HexEdit control for SWT

What is it?

HexEditSWT provides you with an SWT based HexEdit control. The control is a composition of a StyledText control inside a Composite. This means that it fits nicely into the SWT (including visual aspects). Since it is licensed via the CPL (as SWT is) there's no further constraint.
SwtHexEdit is one class which implements a nice Hex-control to be used  in a pure SWT application. It provides an interface simmilar to these known from other SWT controls. Since SWT doesn't allow ineritance of class StyledText, this  control is a compositoin of a StyledText object and glue code around to change the behavior.


Screenshot of running test APP
Screenshot of a test-app embedding the control.



SwtHexEdit and the accompanying materials  are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 (about CPL) which accompanies this distribution. For short this license allows you distribution and use without fee and without coercion to publish results.


Go to the Sourceforge.net-project and download the matching files.

How to try

You can have a try via a demo-app by just launching the batch or shell file. If you downloaded the version with SWT librarys there's nothing to care about unless you have a different system than win32-x86 or linux-x86.
If you downloaded the version without SWT librarys then you have to gain the needed librarys, first. You can find them in your eclipse plugins directory.

How to use in your app

In order to make use of this control the first step is to find a suitable place for the source. The source is written to be in the package .swt_components . However you are free to change the package to whatever you like via refactoring or by hand.
The control itself is located in the file SwtHexEdit.java. For copy and paste operations it utilizes the static helper methods of class ByteArray.
Embedding the control in your app works nearly as easy as embedding the original SWT controls.
  1. Declare a member variable:
      private SwtHexEdit hxed;
  2. Have a container:
      this instanceof Composite == true
  3. Create the control's object:
    in this container with a normal border, space for 30 bytes with 8 on each line and 6 lines visible.
      hxed = new SwtHexEdit(this,SWT.BORDER,30,8,6);
  4. Optoinally set the input mode to insert:
  5. Optionally set anoter content:
      hxed.setContent( new byte[]{(byte)0xDE,(byte)0xAD,(byte)0xBE,(byte)0xEF});
  6. Use it.
Note to understand the difference between .setContent( byte[] ) and .setByteData( byte[] ). Both can be used to change the data displayed. While setContent makes a copy of the supplied array, setByteData replaces the internal buffer with the new byte array. Thus the room available for user input depends on the length of the supplied byte array.

How to use it as end user

Have a try. (^C, ^V, ^X, S-Ins, S-Del, 0..9, A..F, <right>, <left>, <up>, <down> )

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Robert Köpferl 2004